Welcome to Bristol Bay

Yup’ik for “Becoming Aware”
Ellangluni reflects our commitment to inspiring awareness, growth, and resilience in the Bristol Bay community. As a foundation dedicated to education and cultural heritage, we aim to support the people of Bristol Bay in preserving their traditions while embracing opportunities for the future.
We are becoming aware.
Who we are
The Bristol Bay Foundation was founded in 1992 to provide higher education support for Alaska Native students from the Bristol Bay region. From those early investments, we have grown into a premier entity dedicated to increasing access to education and preserving the cultural heritage of the people of Bristol Bay.
We are deeply grateful to the many elders, donors, volunteers, and community members who have contributed to our mission over the past three decades. Their support has shaped our journey, and we are excited about the opportunities ahead for higher education and vocational students and our communities.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our programs, initiatives, and the impact of our work in the Bristol Bay region.
Our logo, the stone oil lamp, (also called a “naniq”) represents the warmth, light, and hope that culture and education bring to our broader Bristol Bay community. It's a symbol of our rich indigenous heritage, our own knowledge systems, and our dedication to promoting it.

Our foundation has provided over $9,416,000 in scholarships to 3,497 students.

By investing in our youth,
we invest in our future, which enriches and benefits all Alaskans.